Boost the performance of your communication
Neurosciences have endless possibilities for application. They create a personalized product/service on your target audience. At the same time, they cut down the analysis time needed to create high-performance communication and reduce the costs necessary to change the post-publication marketing activity.
Neuromarketing applied to your Brand Identity, Packaging and Video Advertising
Thanks to a neuromarketing analysis you can understand if the main features of your packaging are attractive to your consumers. The test can be carried out before or after the launch phase based on the goals your company has set. NeuroWebDesign can give you a hand to make objective decisions about:
- COLOR; essential for attracting attention and functional recognition of the product,
- TEXTURE; the consistency of the packaging gives the first indications on the quality of the product,
- GRAPHICS; Are the images of your packaging used and inserted correctly? Is the product information easily visible? Are images attractive?
Communicating through a video generates a decidedly superior appeal to the target audience, rather than mere communication with static images. Engagement and Attraction in this context are the keywords. A neuromarketing test on your advertising spot, company presentation or whatever, allows you to understand:
- The degree of engagement generated by your video while being delivered to the consumer.
- The level of perceived stress, frame by frame.
- The findability of the key elements of your video such as: logo, value proposition, etc.
- NeuroWebDesign can help you create tailored and immediately effective communication.
BRAND IDENTITY (Logo Design, Attributi di marca, Payoff test, etc..)
The NeuroWebDesign research team helps you to define or modify the most important features of your Brand Identity. Through the use of our technology you will be able to find out if the consumers of your company really perceive the brand attributes you want to communicate.
For example, through an Implicit-Association-Test (IAT) you can understand the correlation between the INNOVATION attribute and your brand compared to what is associated with your main competitors. Again, if you are a startup or a company that needs to review or redo your logo, through a neuromarketing analysis we will help you define the most performing layout immediately in terms of involvement, associated attributes and recognition.
This allows you to make corrections or discover new opportunities to apply to internal and external marketing activities to communicate in the most correct and persuasive way.